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botox face

Botox injections are shots that use a toxin to prevent a muscle from moving for a limited time. These shots are often used to smooth wrinkles on the face. They're also used to treat neck spasms, sweating, overactive bladder, lazy eye and other conditions. Botox shots also may help prevent migraine.


How you prepare

Which type of botulinum injection is right for you depends on your needs and condition. Talk with your health care provider about the treatment best suited to you.

Your health care provider uses a thin needle to inject tiny amounts of botulinum toxin into your skin or muscles. The number of shots needed depends on the size of the treatment area and other things. 

After the procedure

Do not rub or massage the treated areas for 24 hours. And don't lie down for 2 to 4 hours after getting the injections. Following this advice helps prevent the toxin from spreading to an area where it isn't needed. You'll likely be able to return to your usual activities right after the procedure — you will be giving a full after information sheet after procedure.



Botox injections usually begin working 3 to 4 days after treatment, Over 2 weeks for final results, this is the time when you will know if you need a review appointment.

Depending on the problem being treated, the effect may last 3 to 4 months. To maintain the effect, you'll likely need regular follow-up injections spaced at least three months apart.


What you can expect Before the procedure

Most people don't feel much pain during the procedure. But you may want your skin numbed beforehand, especially if your palms or feet are being treated for heavy sweating. Your health care provider might use one or more of the following methods to numb the area: anesthetic applied to the skin, ice and massage. The massage method also is called vibration anesthesia.

Surprising places to get botox

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Jowl Lift

Botox is best known for its use in anti-ageing treatments for the upper face, where it can be highly effective in reducing the appearance of laughter lines and forehead wrinkles.

However, advanced practitioners are also able to offer Botox for sculpting the lower facial features and providing a subtle ‘lift’ effect that helps patients to look younger and refreshed.

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